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Feb. 22, 2024

271: The Encouraging Way to Get Better Results On Your Whole Food Plant-Based Diet

271: The Encouraging Way to Get Better Results On Your Whole Food Plant-Based Diet

Navigating the whole food plant-based diet can feel like tiptoeing through a garden of naysayers, but don't worry, we've got the keys to unlock a world of positivity for your whole food, plant-based journey! 🌱

Join your plant based brother and sister for this episode, as we share wisdom for creating the environment that'll set you up for long-term success with plant-based living.

Sunshine, you don't need negativity when you're trying to embrace the lifestyle that's best for you. We're spilling the beans on finding a crew that's all about support, nourishment, and cheering on your progress.

Gain encouragement and strategies for making plant based eating enjoyable and sustainable.  Being a part of an environment that supports healthy eating and personal growth is very important, and we're sharing the personal insights that will help you rise above the noise and happily stay true to your health goals. 🎈

This is about finding the environments that will make gaining optimal nutrition, meal planning, weight loss, and building healthy habits both simple and enjoyable!

🌱 As we break down the value of having a supportive tribe, we'll also discuss the fundamental Kingdom principles that will help us go farther & faster on our wellness journey, together!

Ready to feel uplifted? Let's harness the power of plants together and watch as every victory, big and small, becomes a part of our united win! 🎉

💃🏻 None of us want our body to give up before our God-given purpose is complete! Together let's build our health naturally so we can live our very best lives! 

🎧 Tune in for a dose of encouragement, practical tips, and a whole lot of connection, leaving you more excited than ever to feel your absolute best so you can fully live your extraordinary calling!

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🎁 Not yet a member of our FREE plant-based community for Christians? Once you're on the inside, every single podcast episode becomes searchable for you. 😲

Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and inspiration you've been hoping for! 💕


01:30 - Plant-Based Community Encouragement and Support

09:54 - Building a Supportive Plant-Based Community

23:52 - Community Power in Plants

Speaker 1:

Hey there, sunshine. We are so glad that you're here and Jared and I want to make sure that you know something right now, today, and that is the fact that you are awesome and we love you. The Power on Plants family is absolutely the best plant-based community and that is because of you. You know, every day, jared and I are walking this amazing journey to health with you and it is so heartwarming for us to see you supporting each other, sharing your ideas and building one another up. We love your heart for doing good and encouraging and helping others, but you know, sadly, when you're on this path, there can be those around you that might not always be the most encouraging people. Of course, you might expect some pushback or negativity from those who aren't on the same path to natural healing with whole plant foods. But what is shocking is when you are legitimately trying to grow and learn and strengthen your body to live your very best life because you want to be a good steward of all that God's given you and you find yourself getting shot down, so to speak, by others inside the plant-based spaces. This should not be, and yet we see it happening over and over again. But we cannot stay silent about this. You need to know what to do when you find yourself in that situation, so that's what we're sharing with you today. Hey sister, welcome to the Power On Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do? Hi, we're Chered and you need to resell Christ. Followers, health care professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant based living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods, and it's not hard. You just need the way. That's realistic and delicious, so you never feel deprived. If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started. Hello friend, welcome back. I hope you heard the intro, because it's really important to understand where we're going with this episode. I know we brought this up recently, but it is a growing trend and we see it getting worse and worse. We are ourselves inside some of the other plant based spaces, there to give encouragement and hope and help other people along their plant based journey, but what we're seeing is breaking our hearts, because you're there with good intentions, trying to learn and grow, and asking legitimate questions and getting shot down, not getting all the help you need. Now there are some people there that are nice and kind, but what breaks my heart is time and again we see people asking legitimate questions and being met with resistance. So we just wanted to spend a few moments here with you today and share an encouraging message with you. You do not have to allow the negativity of others to affect you Now, of course, you don't have control over their actions, but you do have control over how it affects you, and one way you can control that is by realizing why they might be doing the things they're doing bullying or being cruel to those who are wanting to learn and grow and become their best to live life to the fullest. The reality is that there are many people who have very low self-esteem, and so, sadly, the only way they know how to feel better about themselves is to pull others down to their level, so they can therefore lift themselves up, elevate their position.

Speaker 2:

But it's a relative difference though, so instead of raising themselves up, they lower others. So there's still that difference in elevation, but it's not because they have bettered their situation or their attitude or their outlook. They haven't grown, and we see that in so many different areas in life, and sadly, we're seeing this also in the plant-based spaces.

Speaker 1:

That is so true. So when you face that, I want you to realize that the issue is most often with the person stirring things up, Not because you've asked something the wrong way or maybe you shouldn't have said what you said. If you said it with a genuine interest to learn and grow and you had no malintent, don't blame yourselves or feel bad about what you did, but also don't feel like you have to come out punching and kicking and screaming either. We're going to talk about what are some things you can do in this situation, and one of those things is to consider you have control over where you spend your time. You do not have to surround yourself with these negative thinkers, negative news, negative people on a regular basis. I brought up news there. It's like with the news media. If you spend all day long with the news playing on your TV, what's going to be your thought and your feeling about what's going on in the world and in your own life? Lack of control, fear I mean. We saw this happen over the past several years. People are so eaten up by fear it is literally making them sick, paralyzed. That's what our enemy wants. He wants us to be paralyzed so that we can't move forward in these things that are best for us, and if it's something biblical, if it's something that we were meant to have in the garden and in our lives so that we can feel the best and live our lives to the fullest. Of course he's going to try to stop that, and one way he can do that is by getting you discouraged, feeling like there's no hope out there, and that happens so easily with the news.

Speaker 2:

And he doesn't necessarily try to convince you that eating this way is wrong. He just may get you distracted by all these other negative attitudes, questions, negative people in these spaces. It's a distraction.

Speaker 1:

So you have control over where you spend your time. The environment you surround yourself with is going to greatly affect your life in every area, and that includes the people around you. We talk a lot about environment as one of our five steps, of our success path. That's how firmly Jared not believing this, because we see time and time again the environment around you, the people, places and things. So it's not just the things and the food and getting the food right and getting the wrong food out and putting something back in its place and not leaving it empty-handed All these things we talk about learning how to do and why it's so important to do that. People are a part of that. So you will find and you've probably heard like the five people you spend the most time around Are the five people you're gonna be the most like. They kinda define the life that you live into and it is so very true. And this is the same thing that happens when you're in the plant-based space and community is super important. Why? Because many of you don't have anybody else in your life friends or family members who are on this journey and maybe you do, but you just need some extra support and you need a place you can go to learn from someone who's gone before you, because you know that you're gonna get the answers there, or at least you hope so. And then you go and you get shot down and you lose hope. That affects you. The environment is going to affect what you're going to reap in the end, the results that you're gonna be able to get or not get, the hope that you're gonna have along the way. Are you gonna stay encouraged, Are you gonna be excited about the journey, or is it gonna be a drudgery because there's no one around you planting those seeds of hope so that you're going to reap something that's amazing in your life, those results that you want in your future? So the people you surround yourself with your environment in that way is gonna greatly affect your life. This is why there is so much instruction in the Bible about who you surround yourself with. The wrong thoughts and actions can quickly start to take root and affect your thoughts and actions. So choose to set yourself around friends to encourage you on your plant-based journey to take the next step of becoming your very best. Put yourself in the places where these kinds of people gather together to build their very best life and watch as your confidence and your results start to soar. Maybe you're thinking, Anita, I'm not sure where to go. I don't know where to find that kind of thing. Join us inside a podcast. Insider's experience our free community at poweronplantscomphordslashpi. This is where there is none of the negative nonsense going on. Why? Because our people are just not that way. And if one little negative Nelly or Ned does decide they wanna stray in, we have a plan in place to deal with that, okay.

Speaker 2:

Let us know about it.

Speaker 1:

We're in there, we see what's going on, we will kindly correct them, and after that they would need to find another group because it's just not their space. We don't allow that kind of stinking thinking in our group. It's just how it is. We love you too much to provide a space where that kind of nonsense is allowed to thrive. You do not have to put yourself in those situations. Listen, plant-based foods are the most nutrient-dense foods that can radically change your life in amazing ways, and what Jared and I know is that when you get yourself into the encouraging environment where you're learning how to eat more of these life-changing foods in the way that's quick, simple, delicious and encouraging, you are not gonna believe how exciting your life becomes.

Speaker 2:

And if you're in some of these spaces and you have witnessed what we're discussing or experienced it yourself. Like Anita said, some of these people may have low self-esteem, but ultimately we don't really know their motivation. Maybe they've had some hard times, I mean, maybe there's some things in their background that we just don't know and probably we'll never know. One extend some grace to them, I would say. Don't necessarily respond ugly to them.

Speaker 1:

Just leave it alone, don't escalate.

Speaker 2:

It really won't help anything.

Speaker 1:

Don't throw fuel on the fire.

Speaker 2:

And you could quote unquote, and as I'm saying this, I'm doing air quotes with my hands. Anita can even attest to that. You could be right. But what will that serve? Because I don't know that you would really convince them in the long run. And that's not even why you're there. You're not there to get into an argument to try to convince people. You're there to learn to grow. So if you encounter that, you just have to let that situation go.

Speaker 1:

You've got to keep the end game in mind. What is your goal? What are you after here? Why are you here trying to learn that? And you don't want to get sidetracked and sucked into these back and forths that really don't solve anything and you're trying to defend this person, defend that person and stand up against this next thing. You know you're getting shot down 20 different ways and it's exhausting.

Speaker 2:

I just thought of an analogy. It's not a car analogy.

Speaker 1:

You'd be hard to say it anyway, so I can help it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I just thought of something. We have some games in our home that are collaborative games. Now there are some games like Monopoly, whatever, where you're trying to be the winner, but that's not really the ultimate goal here. We have some games where you either win or you lose together, because you're all working together for that end goal. Our community is that same thing. We're all going to win together, and if there's ever a situation where that's not the case, then, like Anita said, we're going to lovingly correct that, because it doesn't really serve the greater good of what we're trying to achieve.

Speaker 1:

Y'all. We have just mined another gold nugget. Christy girl, mine and for nuggets. Oh, my word Y'all okay. If you're not in pie, get in there just to see this. Mine and for nuggets, christy. If I have not posted that in yet in pie, I'm going to post it. Christy made a cartoon about how we mine Jared's gold nuggets from his brain. It is hilarious, but this is it. He has just dropped a gold nugget here for you. Think about this for a minute A cooperative game versus a game that you're playing for your own benefit. Only Okay, when you get into the right group, it is like playing the most wonderful cooperative board game you've ever played. Only it's better because this is about your future. It's not about some little thing you're doing for fun on the side. Yeah, it needs to be fun. Sure, it should be fun, but when you go together, when you do these things together, these are my most favorite games. If you haven't played a cooperative board game, you need to. They are so much fun.

Speaker 2:

They are a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you're all sitting around the table and you're all trying to help each other win the game.

Speaker 2:

Just like within the whole food plant-based bases. You're talking amongst one another. It's like, hey, I can do this. What can you do in your turn to advance the goal for us to win together?

Speaker 1:

Total gold nugget. That was brilliant, and that's why we always say get in there and share what you're doing. It's not about getting a perfect picture, it's about sharing. Look, I made this. This is how it turned out. I like this. I didn't like that. These are all different kinds of posts. You can make what would you do instead? Or I want to make this. I saw this recipe. What should I use instead? All these different things? Hey, I listened to the podcast. I got this nugget out of it. It was so amazing. That's going to help somebody else.

Speaker 2:

And listen. Don't be afraid to share those things, because other people may hear that same podcast, but they may miss a certain key element that you pick up on, and then you can share, and then you bring it to the forefront. People may think, oh, I didn't notice that, for whatever reason. Maybe they're driving down the road, they got distracted and they missed one specific point, you never know. But the key here is share it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, don't ever make your life just about you. That is not kingdom. Living Our life is about helping each other along the way, and by doing so, you grow. You are blessed. It's amazing, you can't I mean, you've heard it you can't out give God. It is so, very true. So be about the father's business, even in the plant-based spaces, but don't put yourself into the plant-based spaces where you're surrounded by the things that are going to drag you down. That's not what this is about. Get into the spaces where we're all learning and growing together and helping one another by sharing and as you share, it will help you. It's going to skyrocket you and launch you, but you're doing it because you want to help other people. At the same time, they will help you. They will plant seeds in your life, your planting seeds in theirs. And this cooperative game, this beautiful thing, plays out where, in the end, everyone wins, because you not only get to where you wanted to go, you're going to end up so much farther and so much faster, and things are going to happen that you never even expected to happen or thought were possible. This is how the kingdom works.

Speaker 2:

And you don't go there alone.

Speaker 1:

You don't go along and so you have somebody to celebrate with when you get there and to be a shoulder for you to lean on when the hard times come right, when you do it the right way in community, in supportive community. This is the most enjoyable, fun, realistic, wonderful way to live. Where it gets hard Is you get yourself into the spaces that are not the right spaces. You're surrounded by the wrong environment. It sets you up for failures, like surrounding yourself with the news all day long and getting the bad news all day long, and makes life really hard. It can paralyze you in fear and in other things, but we literally see people then remove themselves from those spaces, get them self into the right spaces and still not get results. Do you know why they're not getting results? Because they are not becoming a part of the cooperative game, and I'm not saying this is a game. Your life is not a game, but it works in the same way. You seriously don't realize what a gold nugget dropped. This is huge when you get yourself into a space where you are learning and growing with other people along the way, especially if you don't have this in your day today. It's like what Robin said and Laney, different people in our group in the power plant society of said all the time. I look forward to our monthly group coaching sessions because this is about community. We get in there, we build each other up, we help each other. It's happening all the time. I look forward to when I get off work and I can come home and check and see what's happening in the community today and share what's happening with me and look at other ideas I'm getting from other people. We look forward to that because that is where we gain excitement and encouragement and support and answers. It's not just coming in there to read what everyone's posted. It's about sharing ideas with them about what they've posted. It's about posting what I've been doing and sharing the ideas. We see people coming into the right community and not getting results and saying you know, I'm just not doing this right now, I really don't have the time. I can't do that because you're not making yourself a priority and you're not becoming a part of the game. Okay, I need to call it again. Again, this is not a game. But when you become a part of the cooperative system, where you're giving encouragement and sewing into others, you are going to read because others when they come in and they so into the game. It's just amazing what happens.

Speaker 2:

And really the community is like a mastermind, and by that I mean everybody's contributing, they're giving ideas, they're receiving ideas and it's just it's. It's a mastermind. I really don't know what else to call it but that but perfect. I thought of another analogy. The wrong community is like wearing a pair of shoes that are a size too small. You can put them on, you could probably walk in them, but it's going to be painful, it's going to make every step dreadful. Don't be in the wrong community. Find the right community. That's like that pair of shoes that fits perfectly.

Speaker 1:

And then get in there and become a cooperative part of the learning and the growth and the asking questions and the giving that answers. Listen, you may think you're brand new, but I promise you within a week or two you're going to have an answer for somebody. You're going to have an answer for somebody when they're asking a question, because you're going to know, because you're doing, you're taking steps and if you feel like I can't do it all at once, you do one thing at a time. You find that one new favorite, that next new favorite, and you do that by becoming a active part of life. It doesn't have to take a long time. I'm not talking about spending 30 minutes to an hour a day. I'm talking five minutes, seven minutes tops coming in and just quick post picture. You know how long does it take you to snap a picture of a meal you're about to put in your mouth?

Speaker 2:

Really, if you don't edit it, it doesn't take but a few seconds. Don't edit it.

Speaker 1:

You don't edit it, just take it, post it. It's not about that it's in that this is real life. We have set up a real community, real life with real people, and we're all in this together and, as believers in Yeshua, as brothers and sisters in God's kingdom, we are a part of this life cooperatively. We are here not just to make it about us, but to help each other. You know, you're each a different part of the body and if one part's not doing well, it's going to affect the other part. So, as you sew in and you help each other and you're in a supportive community and you're not gonna get shot down when you have the questions that you need answered, no question is a dumb question. No question is a bad question. You don't have to worry and think should I ask this? Well, I mean seriously. You can waste hours of your life wondering how to ask a question. Should you ask a question? Should I pose this? Will people think that looks bad on the side of my bowl? Is it arranged just right? All these crazy things you worry about because you're not in real community, whether people are supporting each other and caring about each other. Please don't come into our communities and worry about that kind of thing. This is about getting you real results, walking side by side with you, helping other people get real results too. This is the kingdom way. Do you know that when we do these things together, there is so much more that can happen in the kingdom of God? Do you think the Holy Spirit can do more in you than he did in Yeshua? God says in his word you have the same Holy Spirit that raised Yeshua from the dead. That same power is in you and yet much more you will do. Do you think you're gonna do greater things than Yeshua? Or do you think because the Holy Spirit can be in you and Sally and John and Christie and Carrie and Robin and Lainey and Curtis and all these different people? Okay, because God, because the Holy Spirit can be now in multiple people at the same time. This is not about you. It's about you journeying with each other to accomplish more in the kingdom. The more well we are, the better you feel, and the better your neighbor feels, your brother, your sister feels, the stronger we are in our body and our mind, able to think clearly. The enemy does not want this. He wants you to feel isolated. He doesn't want you to post. He doesn't want you to help other people. He doesn't want you to get the help you need. He wants to distract you and make you think it's too hard and it takes too much time. All these lies that you believed. They are not true. Get into community, start sharing with each other, become a cooperative part of the body and much greater things will we be able to accomplish together. These are kingdom principles, and kingdom principles work. We see it time and time again. We love that you're part of Power On Plants family. You are what makes all the difference. Here. We are for you, we are praying for you. We cannot wait to help you get to the next level and to see you help each other get there too, and we'll see you soon inside the community at PowerOnPlantscom forward slash pie inside Power On Plants Society for those of you who are members, and we'll see you again next time on Power On Plants Podcast Music. Thank you.