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March 7, 2024

275: Ten Simple Ways to Enjoy Eating More Whole Plant Foods πŸŽ‰

275: Ten Simple Ways to Enjoy Eating More Whole Plant Foods πŸŽ‰

Ready to say goodbye to the struggle to be consistent the the plant based diet? Then this is the episode for you!Β 

Today we are sharing 10 simple steps that are going to make plant based eating enjoyable, and therefore... happily sustainable! πŸŽ‰ With a touch of humor and a lot of heart, we're even sharing our secret to unrecipes and how they can simplify your meal prep! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Hear personal stories along with successes of patients and clients who've embraced the whole food lifestyle.Β 

This is not only about crafting healthy meals you love; it's about unlocking a world where your body feels fantastic, allowing you to fully experience every moment of life! πŸ’ƒπŸ»

This episode is a collection of tips and a helpful guide, but it's also an invitation to join the free community that celebrates every small victory with you and provides much needed inspiration on the path to natural wellness. Learn how being surrounded by like-minded individuals can fast-track you to optimal health the enjoyable way.Β 

It's time to make healthy meal planning simple, quick, and delicious! We'll have you rethinking your vegan food choices and feeling inspired to create your new favorite meals that not only please your tastebuds but also make you feel fantastic!

You are going to love these 10 simple ways to eat more whole food plant based meals and enjoy it! But this episode is more than just a guide; it's your invitation to join the community that cheers for every small victory on your wellness journey. Discover the power of being surrounded by like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire. Let's turn healthy meal planning into something not just simple but completely enjoyable, too!

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🎁 Not yet a member of our FREE plant-based community for Christians? Once you're on the inside, every single podcast episode becomes searchable for you. 😲

Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and inspiration you've been hoping for! πŸ’•


01:30 - Optimizing Health Through Plant-Based Eating

06:41 - Sustainable Plant-Based Living Tips

12:09 - The Importance of a Plant-Based Diet

16:44 - Community, Recipes, Chopping

29:51 - Leave a Rating and Review

Speaker 1:

Hey there, sunshine. Today you're gonna get a glimpse into what's been going on behind the scenes here at the Rusell household, because Jared and I have just been having this discussion and I want you to be here to be a part of it. We were talking about how the most common problems today are so easily solvable. Now, I don't want that to stir you up, make you mad or make you upset. I want that to fill you with hope because we're talking about it. We're sitting here and we're like constipation so easily solvable Eat more plants. High blood pressure Most of the time easily solvable Eat more plants. High cholesterol Generally easily solvable Eat more plants. You know and I could go on and on we know this from research. But Jared and I have lived it. We've lived it ourselves. We live it with our clients and our patients on a regular basis. This is the reality. I don't want you to keep getting lied to by the enemy, thinking you've got this problem and it's really gonna be hard to solve or you're just stuck with it for life. Generally, the answer is simple it's going to help you, this is gonna help you, but the problem comes in when you start thinking that sounds great and all Anita, ideally I would love to do that, but I don't have any clue how, because when you start thinking about that, all you can think about is what I'm gonna be missing. What am I gonna be missing that I love to eat now? Oh, I love to eat this or that or the other, and the enemy comes to you and brings those foods to mine. Oh, you like pizza too much and you can't have that. You won't be able to have that big old juicy steak. Or, for me, you won't be able to have that dairy and the sour cream and the cheese and all those things you love. Anita, you're gonna be somehow missing out Now. It's gonna be depriving you of the good things. We've talked about this before. We've talked about this before. If you've missed it, go back and listen to the 274 episodes before this one, because I want you to understand these things. The things we share here, are key to getting you the results you're after. You've got to change your thinking around. What is good? What is good? Are the things good for you? Are they really good for you if they're keeping you stuck in your health struggles, feeling exhausted all the time, lacking mental clarity and, ultimately, unable to live the life that you've been born and called to live in this world, because that's what all this is really about Getting you to the place that you can feel good and fully live your kingdom purpose. Sure, maybe you're surviving your day, maybe you're getting some things done, but you feel like I just don't have enough energy to deal with all the things throughout my day and then do the extra stuff that I want to do. That I know that God's put on my heart and I keep putting it on the back burner because I just don't feel like it. That is not where you need to be, and I'm telling you, when you go back to the garden, in this area of what you eat, you learn how to do it in the way that is simple for you, that works with your situation, with your real life, with your schedule, with your palate, with your taste buds. It's got to be happy with your taste buds and it's quick to do so. You're not stuck in the kitchen all the time. This is where breakthrough happens. It's not just about oh, you need to eat this food because it's good for you. No, this is about what are you going to be able to do then? What are these foods going to empower you to do. In our society, we focus too much about the food and the pleasure it brings us. Food is a tool. Think about it kind of like money. Food is a tool. We may want to talk about this more at a later time, but I want you to start wrapping your mind around how food is a tool that fuels your body to do what. Well, that's going to be different for each one of you, but the way that it's the same for each one of you is that you all have a kingdom calling. You are called to bring God's kingdom to this earth as a believer and a follower of Jesus, and we absolutely are stopped from doing that. When we do not feel our best, we're either stopped short or we're completely stopped, depending on what we're dealing with in our health. If it's a big diagnosis and we're spending all our time at the doctor's office and trying to just find the one medication that'll control it, and then we take one medication, two medications, three medications, and now we're dealing with the side effects of the medication, with more medication and all that time running to and from offices and procedures and all this crazy stuff and trying to figure it out in the stress and the worry that comes with all that, when we could get so much freedom by just getting the right foods into our bodies. But that's really hard to sustain, that's really hard to do on a regular basis when you don't know how to do it in the way that will work with real life. That is sustainable and to be sustainable, it's got to be enjoyable and work with your schedule, and that is what Jare and I are all about showing you to do, because your future matters, your present matters. These things can start to turn around so fast. I mean, just take the one thing constipation, your digestive system. We talked about this before. One of our members had reflex for 14 years. Girl, we love you. If you're listening, we just think you're amazing. She learned the way to make this sustainable and enjoyable and she's showing up in community inspiring others to do the same and gaining inspiration to keep adding to her go-to favorites, to keep learning the new things. There are so many wonderful things that you can do. In ways you can change things up to keep it exciting without being overwhelming. This should not be hard, but when we think about whole food, plant based, sometimes all we can think about is like Jared says, rabbit food. You know eating. That that's what people have always said to us. You know, oh, you eat rabbit food. I don't know how you do that, so you think lettuce. Yeah, iceberg lettuce, right, things like that. So how are you going to sustain a lifestyle of eating foods that you don't think are enjoyable? And you have all these other foods that you think are enjoyable. You don't know that you need to find your new favorites or even how to start doing that, and then you need somebody to walk you step by step through that process. You want to get in community with those who are on the same path. Go right now and get into Pi. It's absolutely free and waiting there for you, with a group of amazing people. One of our members, john, was just in there. He was talking about how he loves Pi because it gives him so much inspiration. He said I'm very thankful to have a place to learn and to share with one another. Everyone here feels like family, and I don't use that term lightly. You can find a lot of great information online and in books from a lot of great people and organizations, but you try to go to their website or even social media networks and ask them a question. Good luck getting a response. From day one, the responses, ideas shared and support have been nothing short of amazing. A salute to my PopPi family. Now Pop is power on plants. In case you're new here and you're not sure what the link go and Pi is podcast insider's experience. That's our free group. That's the group John is in he's talking about right here. So go right now and become a part of the group. But don't just get in there and start using the search function where you can search all the podcasts and learn how to do these things, but start getting your questions answered. Post questions for each other, share what's on your plate. You think that won't make a difference, but if you take a quick snapshot of your plate and you just post it, it takes you like two seconds, but it can skyrocket you because as you start sharing with others, they will start sharing more with you and you will not believe what a difference this is gonna make for you. So go right now to poweronplantscom. Forward. Slash PIE. That's poweronplantscom. Forward. Slash Pi and get inside this amazing community of like-minded believers who are gonna support and encourage you on your plant-based journey as you become a part and become active there. So just to recap, we're still in the intro, y'all. I just get so wound up by this and I wanted you to be a part of this conversation that Jared and I just had, because it's an important one, and that is so many of the things that you're dealing with the top diseases of our time that we are lied to about, that they are chronic, that they have to be something you deal with for the rest of your life. That's just not true. The answer is so simple to improving these conditions, and that's to eat more plants. And I'll add drink more water, but eat more plants. There are other things you can do, but this is the foundation of the change. The problem comes in when we don't know how to do that. So today we're giving you 10 simple ways to eat more whole plant foods and actually enjoy it. Hey sister, welcome to the Power On Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you wanna avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do? Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussell, christ followers, healthcare professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods and it's not hard. You just need the way that's realistic and delicious so you never feel deprived. If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those ear buds and let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Woo, that was some good stuff. If you fast forwarded through the intro, you need to go back and listen to it. Anita was fired up and just a woman with a mission.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, this is our heart for you. We want to see you get. Well, go back and listen to that intro because, honestly, it was a podcast episode within itself. This is just the bonus. The regular episode's gonna be the bonus for you today.

Speaker 2:

Our intro, where we've got a little music jingle that's more like an intermission for today's podcast instead of an intro. But you know, I had a revelation while you were talking and we've talked about this, anita and I have talked about this just privately where, when people think of plant-based, I think they're two extremes to this. Both are wrong. One on one hand, they think going plant-based has to be complicated, because obviously the solution must be complicated, because my health issues are complicated, sometimes they are. Many times they are not. I mean high cholesterol. You just have too much cholesterol, you're eating too much, you're not getting rid of enough.

Speaker 1:

Right, so you have to figure out what are the sources. Where is it coming from, which is a very simple answer, and where will you not get it at all? Zero of it when you eat a certain type of food, and we'll fix it.

Speaker 2:

So we think it's too complicated. So then we get paralyzed by that. It's either I can't go plant-based, it's two hours of meal prep each time I wanna eat, but then the other flip side of this is that Too simple, like the way we we present it, it really is not that difficult. There are ways that you can have simple food prep. Not a long list of exotic ingredients. It's stuff that you can find easily, but you will enjoy it so much, so much more than you realize. But that's too simple right, it can't be that simple, so I can't believe that I'm not even gonna try that. So either it's too complicated or it's too simple and you don't get started such a great point, absolutely true.

Speaker 1:

And we get stuck in these lies, these deceptions, trickery. Deceiving us is one of the enemy's key ways of keeping us stuck. And If you think something is too hard or too simple, you think it's not gonna work. And that's a lie. We know, we know. We know that this works. Why does it work? Was believers. Let's just take it back to Genesis 1 29. It's a garden just read it, read it, get out the word and read it and I'll tell you. It is the key to solving so many things in your life. Go back to the beginning. What were we meant to have? How were we meant to live? You start learning of those things and gaining connection with your creator. Not just reading to know and amass knowledge, but actually developing a living, vibrant, growing relationship with him, spending time Talking to him, pouring out your heart and hearing his voice, because he cares about you. He is your father and you are his child. Even human fathers care about their children and take care of their children. At least the godly ones do right, and so it may be hard for some of us to wrap our mind around a father If we didn't have the greatest father figure growing up. Then start thinking about your shepherd. Think about a shepherd and his sheep. He takes care of and protects and provides for his sheep. Think about a king. A king who has a kingdom, cares for his people because they are his heart. That's the heart of his kingdom. That's what a good king does. God is your king, he's your shepherd and he's your father. Of course he wants you to get better. Of course he wants you to thrive and live well. So we've got to start wrapping our mind around the things that are true in the word spending time and growing our relationship with him, and then learning how to get the most nutrient, dense foods on the planet into our body on a regular basis. And we know that. We know what those foods are because we go back to the very beginning of how he created this body to run. It's right there. It's one verse. Read the whole thing together. Don't take it out of context, but go back to the beginning. This is what he's coming to restore. The whole mission from the very beginning ever since we've messed it up Was to bring us back to what he gave us in the very beginning. He's coming back to earth to rule and reign and live with us. He wants to be with you, but he also wants a lot of things for you. He wants you to be well. So we want to share with you today what are 10 simple ways. These are just 10 ways. There's so many more ways, but these are the 10 ways. You need to start learning and implementing some of these things. Don't feel like you have to do them all. Just start doing one. You're gonna be better off than you were yesterday. And then add another, and then add another, because what we know is this stuff builds one upon another, and that's why getting in community is so very Important, because when you're there, you're gonna get more ideas, you're gonna be sharing what you're doing, you're gonna be excited and learning and growing.

Speaker 2:

I'm over here smiling because I'm thinking back. In the garden there were no boxes of mac and cheese hanging off of a tree. Norworth yeah, that's a great there were no fruit loops growing on bushes.

Speaker 1:

Right and no oil, big bottles of oil hanging there. It was not the way it was. So point number one I've shared this a couple of times now and that is getting yourself in the right Environment. And when we teach environment inside our upcoming course and when we teach it inside the membership, what we're teaching is people, places and things. Those are the three things in your environment that greatly affect your ability to Succeed in healthy, plant-based living. So joining pie, getting in the community of like-minded individuals who are going to support you and give you Ideas and help you to grow but you're not just gonna go in there to take. That's not what believers do. We go there to share. Think about the principles of giving in the word. When you give, you cannot out give the King of Kings. You cannot out give God. He is going to bless when you give and when you share. And that's what we find when you get in community the people that we see that come in and that are sharing what they're going through. You don't have to know everything. This could be your very first step. You just take a picture. Hey, I tried this. This was my first plant-based meal. Boom, that's it.

Speaker 2:

And what you may find too, though, is that others may take that thing that you like and then give a small suggestion of how you can take that same dish and just make it change it Ten times better.

Speaker 1:

We see it all the time. This is what happens, and so you're learning and you're growing. But you're also what if you don't get any responses? You've given somebody else an idea, and that's never going to be a loss for you living in God's ways, because you are going to be blessed by being a blessing to others. So step number one is join the community that is going to help you propel your success, and you can do that right now at poweronplantscom. Forward slash P I E. Power on plants dot com. Four slash pie. Number two you need tried and true recipes. When you first start, you're not always going to need recipes. We teach inside the upcoming course, we teach inside the membership. Right now we're showing you how to make unrecipes. This is what I've deemed the meals that don't even require a recipe. They're just that simple. They're more like food formulas. I also use that term. You know this plus this, plus this, plus this equals that, and then you learn different things. You can sub in for the pluses and pretty soon your mind is blind because you do not see how something you thought was going to be restrictive has unending possibilities and ending combinations.

Speaker 2:

And don't underestimate the amount of freedom that that can bring. Oh, absolutely Mentally too, because if you're always thinking in terms of a recipe and you come home, maybe from a long day of doing something work, whatever and you think, okay, I need to have a recipe, Do I have the ingredients, Do I have the amount that I need? And then it just kind of spirals from that. Or if you think I just want a grain ball we love that example because they're very easy. We do enjoy them. I want a grain ball. Oh, I've got some frozen rice from rice that I made a few days ago. I've got some sweet potatoes, I've got a can of black beans and I've got a couple of other items. I'm just going to throw them together while this is heating up in the microwave. Then I'll give this other thing prepared and within about 10 minutes you have dinner. You didn't have to worry about a recipe. You just thought I've got these few ingredients, their ingredients. You don't really have to worry about the amount, you just kind of throw them together.

Speaker 1:

And so this is what you learn as you go. But the problem is you come in in the beginning and you think all I need is recipes. Because in the beginning you do need recipes. You don't know how to pull the formulas together. You don't even know what the different parts of the formula are. So that's why I have my cookbook and that's why I keep releasing my brand new recipes into the membership, into the course, because you need to know what do I do when I first get started. And even as you go, it's just nice to have that tried and true recipe right there that you know. Someone has tried this, they know it works. I don't have to wonder how much of this should I put or that should I put, because as you go you're going to learn how to switch up recipes and make the possibilities endless. But maybe you're just at the beginning and thinking I don't know what to do. Look, I need a recipe. I just need to get started.

Speaker 2:

We have the tried and true recipes for you, yes, and you need a recipe that's actually good. I'll add that. I'll tell you any recipe that I need to put her name on. It goes through a very rigorous testing process and even sometimes we'll get modified after the fact. If she maybe it's a recipe from a year ago and she tries and thinks I think it could be a little better, she will modify it.

Speaker 1:

So if that's you and you're thinking, look, I just need some recipes to get started, get our cookbook bundle. It is a no brainer. We don't just have recipes in there for you, we have PDF guides and a lot of things that are going to help you gain success using whole plant foods. You've got to start somewhere, and these are the things that we've tested and perfected and we hear time and again when we have company this is amazing. People try it. They're emailing me. Anita, if every recipe in here is this good, my mind is blown. I had no idea that you could just use plants and get this kind of result A creamy, cheesy Alfredo sauce, waffles, pancakes, banana pudding I mean, you name it. We've got all these different categories, the most delicious drinks, desserts and I did some in each category so that you don't feel like, oh, I've got some mains here. Oh, all she's got desserts you need when you get started and even as you go, you're adding some into each category and it just lights you up because you found new favorites and it gives you inspiration and hope and you start to see that this could be your everyday reality the simplicity of it, all the flavors, all those wonderful things. So step two is get those tried and true recipes that make it simple for you but taste really good, so that you know that. You know that. You know that you can enjoy plant based and you can enjoy it for life. So go to power and plantscom forward slash cookbook and get your copy of the cookbook today. That's power and plantscom forward slash cookbook. So number three chop the whole plant foods, finally, and add them to sauces all kinds of sauces. We love doing this with our marinara sauce. We load them up with veggies. You can load up soups and stews using this strategy to. There's almost nothing that you can't chop, finally, a green or some veggies and get them in there and really not even know that they're there. It's such a simple strategy. That's strategy number three and number four blend those veggies up into your smoothie. Just toss them in and turn it on. It's not hard. Number five load up your tofu scramble. Go back and listen to our old episodes on tofu scramble. If you think I don't know what those episodes are called, anita, I don't know where to find them Then you need to be in podcast insiders, experience or free group, because it is searchable. All you have to do is go in there and type in tofu scramble. It will pull up every time. In any episode we've said tofu scramble.

Speaker 2:

We have to go to the little magnifying glass bottom right hand corner of the screen and then when you click it it pulls up a little window that gives you the search bar where you can then put in tofu scramble everywhere. We've ever said it in any one of our podcast episodes. It'll pull you up right to that exact moment inside of it. Doesn't just pull up the episode, pulls it up right exactly in the episode. So maybe it's 10 minutes into it. It brings you right to it.

Speaker 1:

It's absolutely a no brainer becoming a part of podcast insiders experience. It's a no brainer because it's going to get you where you want to go in so many ways, all right. So that was number five. Load up your tofu scramble. Number six do not eat that pancake or waffle plain. Load it up with fruits and some nuts. Make it really satisfying and stick to your ribs, but also get those extra nutrients in there by adding fruits and maybe even vegetables if you want to make it more savory. Number seven make a huge salad and challenge yourself to add some new to you options. Number eight preload your meals with simple veggie dishes. In other words, eat your veggies first. What are some options? Lightly steam or stir fry some broccoli, oil-free, with a lot of fresh garlic and lemon juice. You could even add a dash of low sodium tamari. There's so many options here. Need more ideas? Get inside the free group. You're gonna get them there. Number nine always have a delicious five minute power-on-plant sauce on hand for dipping raw veggies. We have several of those inside the Cookbook bundle. Number 10, turn your veggies into noodles. Get a spiralizer, look them up. That is one of the easiest ways to get more veggies and make it fun and delicious. Kids love this. They absolutely love this. So, mama, if you've got little ones in your life, if they're your children or your grandchildren or nieces and nephews, this is the perfect way to make memories with your kids. You can buy spiralizers that you just hand crank that are super easy. There are some that you just hold in twist that are really quick and simple, and so this is a wonderful way to get more vegetables into your life. Turn them into noodles and number 11, you know we love a good bonus, so I'm throwing this in extra. One of the simple ways to eat more whole-plant veggies is to surround yourself with them. This goes back to environment. Get them into your locations where you spend the most time. Keep your areas regularly stocked with the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, because you cannot eat what's not there. I know this one may seem a little simple, but it is the key to all the rest, right? If it's not there, you're not gonna eat it.

Speaker 2:

And a practical aspect of that too, though, is that when you have the impulse for something now it could be I'm hungry, I wanna eat something, doesn't really matter what it is, you will eat what is right there You're not going to think, oh, I've got bag of chips, or I really should be eating something else that's healthier, but that's at the store. Bag of chips are here, healthy options at the store, you know, maybe some nice mixed nuts, whatever, then you're not going to the store to buy it because of that impulse. So if you have it, well one, don't have the chips in your house, Cause if it's not there, you're not gonna eat it. Same principle, because you're likely not gonna spend the 10, 15 minutes to drive to the store, cause when the impulse hits, you've got that you know five or 10 minutes where you eat what is there.

Speaker 1:

That is just 10, only 10, there's so many more ways to make this simple. We share those with you as we go. We can't possibly share everything today. Number one you're gonna get overloaded and overwhelmed. You need kind of that step-by-step process. But this is where you start. You start on the podcast, you start gaining momentum, then come into the course when it's released in the future and, if you're in power on plant society, start taking what you're learning there and implementing step-by-step, asking your questions and getting them answered as you go through our group coaching. But maybe you're thinking you know what, anita? We've gone through all 10 of these, but I still want to know even more about Whole Food Plant-Based Eating. We've created the ultimate Whole Food Plant-Based Beginners guide for you and it's absolutely free. And guess where you can grab your copy of that? Inside Podcast Insiders Experience. So go right now and join Podcast Insiders Experience at poweronplantscom forward slash P-I-E. That's poweronplantscom forward slash pi. We look forward to seeing you there. We cannot wait to get to know you more, hear more about your journey and listen. Jared and I need your help. We provide all this value for you for free, and I know many of you are getting amazing results just on the free content that we share multiple times a week for you. And what we need you to do right now to help us grow, to help us reach more people and to keep this information coming to you is just simply go to Apple Podcast. Go to the app or, on your computer, to Apple Podcast. You can even search in Google Apple Podcast, power On Plants. It will pull it up and then you scroll down to the bottom and there's a place where you can click and leave a review. Click into the place where you can leave just one little sentence, or two little sentences, to encourage others to listen to the podcast or tell them how it's changed your life. Again, one or two sentences. This is not gonna take you a long time, but it can make all the difference for us and for us to be able to keep showing up for you week after week after week with this life-changing information. After you write your review, click the star rating that you wanna give and it will be saved and it's going to help so much and it also encourages us listen. We feel lonely sometimes behind this mic, not getting to see your face and getting to know you. Well, we're doing some of that inside Pi, inside the free group, and we love that. But we wanna hear from you as our podcast listeners and this is one of the best ways to do that, so go right now and leave a rating and review. It will honestly take you about a minute and it would mean so much to us. Have a great week, senchan. We look forward to hanging out with you again next time on Power On Plants and seeing you inside Podcast and Siders Experience. Have a great day.