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March 13, 2024

277: Power On Plants Society: Behind The Scenes Tour to Sustainable Plant Based Eating

277: Power On Plants Society: Behind The Scenes Tour to Sustainable Plant Based Eating

Curious about how a whole food, plant-based lifestyle could transform your health so you can finally feel good?! 💃🏻

 🌱 Come with us behind the the scenes to Power on Plants Society, the thriving community that's filled with success stories and our unique five-step plant-based framework that's changing lives.

As your guides, we're excited to share the inspiring journeys of members like Laura and Curtis, who've experienced remarkable transformations, shedding pounds and medications along the way.

 Picture a community where flourishing extends beyond just eating your greens—it's about thriving in every aspect of life!

Say goodbye to dieting methods and hello to mouthwatering plant-based meals! With live coaching calls and personalized support tailored to your health goals, we're serving up a variety of strategies to make your transition to plant-based eating as smooth as avocado cream! 😋

Listen to how Robin reversed her rheumatoid symptoms, got rid of headaches, and normalized her labs. 

We're not just sharing recipes; we're crafting a roadmap to  sustainable plant based living that you are going to love! 

Time's ticking, and this is your chance to become a beta tester for our upcoming course!

Secure your spot now...Doors are closing soon! 

💥 Get your very own behind the scenes tour here! 

We can't wait to welcome you to the transformation that awaits you in Power on Plants Society! 💕

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🎁 Not yet a member of our FREE plant-based community for Christians? Once you're on the inside, every single podcast episode becomes searchable for you. 😲

Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and inspiration you've been hoping for! 💕


01:30 - Plant-Based Lifestyle Membership Power on Plants

09:33 - Join Plant Society for Health Success

15:29 - Power and Plant Society Success

25:34 - Nutrition Transformation Success Stories

29:46 - Join Power and Plant Society Now

Speaker 1:

Hey there, friend Jared and I could not be more excited to share anything than what we're going to share with you today, and that is what's going on inside Power on Plant Society. That's POPs, our current membership that we have Now. This is really important for you because, if you want to get into group coaching with us and into the most amazing community of like-minded believers who are on this path of healing their body with whole plant foods, the sustainable way, this may be your last chance, because in the future, the only way you're going to be able to join this group is by coming through our future released course, which will be coming out this year. So, pops, as we know it, the society, will still exist. It's still going to be amazing, but it's going to come after the course for you. So if you want to get in right now, before we start releasing the course, now is the time to do it, and why would you want to wait? So we want you to see the exciting things that are happening on the inside for the members who are already there sharing their testimonials with you, but not only that, giving you the real glimpse behind the curtain of what you'll have access to when you join us on the inside.

Speaker 1:

Hey sister, welcome to the Power on Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do? Hi, we're Charity in the Need to Resale Christ followers, health care professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods, and it's not hard. You just need the way. That's realistic and delicious, so you never feel deprived. If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started. Hey there, sunshine.

Speaker 1:

This is such an exciting episode because we are taking you behind the scenes into Pops. That's Power on Plants Society. Some people get confused about the S in Pops. Pops is Power on Plants. The society has the S on the end. That's where we get Pops, and so the society is our membership, where we're able to take you by the hand, step by step, through our five step framework that is going to show you exactly how to not just live whole food plant-based Because you could possibly learn that anywhere else but the thing that is the most important that Jared and I have worked so hard to provide for you is this one of the kind training in which we take you through the success path that we know works, that we've seen work in our own lives, where we drop 70 pounds without ever going on a diet, eating the foods we loved, got rid of low energy, back pain, joint pain all these different diagnosis that we've shared with you in the past, without ever having to go on a diet or feel deprived.

Speaker 1:

We eat foods we love and so, inside Power on Plants Society what makes us different? We show you how to make this sustainable. We've given you a real big taste of that here on the podcast, but we can't possibly show you everything we know here. We just don't have the time and you don't have the direct access to us that you're going to have inside the membership there. We come in once a month. We give live trainings, coaching calls where you can get your questions answered. But not only that. We're in the community every week answering questions, getting you those answers that you need when you're on that exact step that you have the question, so you can move forward without trying to search everywhere and try to find all this stuff online that's conflicting information.

Speaker 1:

That's not going to get you sustainable, plant-based results. This is about sustainable. That's the difference with Power on Plants. It's not the fact that, oh, they're going to teach me how to get a whole few plant-based or I'm going to get a few recipes. No, you're going to learn how to make a lifestyle that is not only a lifestyle, it's a sustainable, a sustainable lifestyle. And that's what we're after, because when you learn how to get these amazing foods into your body, that power you well, that make you finally feel good, so you can do all the incredible things that are here for you in this life, so you can fully live and enjoy it all. You can thrive for life when you learn how to make this sustainable. Where you enjoy, you love the foods. They taste amazing and you never feel deprived. Thank you, the food's got to taste great. We say this all the time. It's got to taste good. You've got to know how to cook it. So we're going to be sharing with you inside Power On Plants Society.

Speaker 2:

Because you could push through pretty much anything for a while. If you're looking for a specific result, you could eat lettuce for every meal and would you lose weight? Would you maybe stop hurting so much? I mean, could there be health benefits? Sure, but the thing that got you there is not the thing that's going to keep you there, because once you've reached that goal, that driving force to keep doing what you're doing is going to be gone and you're going to fall back into the same old habits because you have not found your new favorites. We hammer that all the time New favorites, and that is so key.

Speaker 1:

And how do you set yourself up to find the new favorites that you're actually going to love? Do you want to trial and error a bunch of recipes online that you're going to have to tweak and try to figure out on your own, that don't taste good or that take a long time and you're spending, like a lot of our members who've come to us and our clients that we worked with in the past and gotten results? They couldn't make plant based sustainable before. Yeah, they tried plant based, they tried vegan, but it just wouldn't work. And what is that? It's because they didn't learn how to make it taste good in the way. That also is time saving. So it worked with their busy schedule. They weren't stuck in the kitchen. They were able to get out there and live life, and Jared and I are going to talk about this in the future on the podcast and more inside power on plant society.

Speaker 1:

But what we want you to understand is food is a tool. This is not about learning to fall in love with food. We all already love good tasting food. You've got to learn how to make most of those old favorites that you like in a new way, the way that's going to fuel your body well, right, and so you need to know how to do that without having to search it out and pick it out and try to figure it out. You've got somebody to walk you, take you by the hand and show you hey, these are the tested and perfected recipes that we know are amazing, that we get five star reviews on time after time, that people come into our group and they're going this is blowing my mind Like, if everything tastes this good, I'm not going to believe it, and it does. It's always my goal to give you this base recipe that just lights you up, and then you can take it and we show you how to tweak it where you can say, oh well, I like a little bit more of this and a little bit less of this, and then, inside pops, you're going to get to the place where it's not just about recipes. We're going to build this solid foundation of mindset and environment and making it delicious and quick and simple. But some of those things involve being able to look at any recipe and use it. Or, as one of our friends, carrie, says, you know shopping from your own pantry and your own fridge. Now I've got this and that and this and that, and I know how to pull it together into an unrecipe. This is about so much more than recipes. You've got freedom now to be able to look at recipes and, even if you're not creative in the kitchen, all of a sudden, because you've been around this inspiring community, you're around the right people, you're getting the right ideas and all of a sudden, you start to see how they're pulling it together, how we've pulled it together, and you're going to know how you can pull it together. And when you start out, you might have questions hey, I'm not sure. Would this be a good combo? What do you think about this or that? That is the right place to ask.

Speaker 1:

Power on plant society has been set up exactly for that. So it's not just about all the amazing resources that we're going to be sharing with you today that are available for you in there. It's about the community, the proximity. Who are you putting yourself around on a regular basis that can support you, and we love these people. Can I tell you about how amazing our members in the society are? They are top notch.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking people whom you want to be around because they're going to inspire you and lift you up and cheer you on and give you those things that you need, because you're trying to figure this out alone and you don't have to. It doesn't have to be that way. Seriously, let's talk about what a no brainer this is. For about $3 a day less than that cup of coffee at Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop you can have the skills and the tools and the support that is going to give you the results that you're after in your health, and this is not temporary. These are lasting results.

Speaker 1:

We're not talking about, okay, dining we're not going to go there. We're not talking about dining. We're not going to go there. Why? Because God never meant for you to go through something that miserable. Let's just be honest.

Speaker 1:

In the garden did he tell Adam and Eve count your macros, keep your calories, watch your points and be careful, don't eat too much. No, he didn't. Why? Because they were eating the foods that they didn't have to do. All these man made things that make things difficult. His ways are easy. His burden is light. It is not hard to live in God's ways, so the closer you can get back to the garden in all areas of your life, jared and I say this it is easier.

Speaker 1:

Things become simple and, all of a sudden, food is your tool. Now you're not so consumed with food, thinking about it all the time, it having its hold on you. It's a tool that you learn to love. You learn to love because you know how to use it in the right ways. It's no longer consuming your thoughts, you're not worried about it. Instead, when you sit down at a gathering with your friends or at a restaurant or someplace where you're enjoying the meal, where you go to fellowship and enjoy each other, you can still learn how to enjoy the food and make it simple. But the food is a tool. It's not your source. Okay, it's not your source. Don't let it take the place of your source. We know what our source is right, let's be clear about that. But you've got to learn how to use it as a tool to give you the energy to live out the life that God's called you to live with your family, with your friends and with those around you, the life that you were created to enjoy. So today we're going to just give you a little glimpse inside and talk about it, but if you want to see, actually see for yourself with your own eyes what's it like on the inside Really like what's in there and what resources will I have and what's going on.

Speaker 1:

We are taping today and releasing inside of Pi. That's our free group podcast. Insiders experience a video walkthrough that you can see behind the scenes before you join us on the inside. You're going to see what a no-brainer it is becoming a part of this group. I cannot tell you how much this is going to change things for you, because you have somebody, you have two somebodies who are healthcare professionals and they're helping you. When are you ever going to go for a doctor's visit and they're going to say that'll be $3, please, seriously, it's insane.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we've set this up for you to succeed. It's not just a bunch of info thrown onto a platform so we can say, oh, they've got a bunch of stuff in here that's going to help them out when they come in. No, we set up a roadmap. You've got a beginner's guide that you get in an email when you first start. This is a roadmap.

Speaker 1:

You go, you get to watch the video of us welcoming you and you can download this one page roadmap that's going to say this first and this next, so you don't get overwhelmed, because there are a lot of resources in there and I think that's what happens sometimes. You get stuck, you go into a group. You hope to get help. You get all this information and it's information overload and we don't want that for you. So we set it up so you can find exactly what you need, exactly when you need it, and we give you the steps to give you that structure to get you started. So we say first do this, then do this, then do this, and you know exactly what to do and you're not confused and there's no overwhelm. You're just learning the simplest, most effective way to find your new favorites, to start getting the results you're after and to start feeling you're very best so you can live this beautiful life that you are created to enjoy.

Speaker 2:

And to your point. There are memberships that I've seen for various different types of programs, where they give a ton of information. It's all great information, but you don't know where to begin, you don't know what the next step is and then, ultimately, you just end up not having the success that you desire. So we want to give you great information, but we want it to be in a stepwise, logical fashion that will get you from point A to point B with the least amount of time and hassle and effort as possible.

Speaker 1:

And that's why we've set it up this way, so you do have it in that step-by-step fashion. It's already set up that way for you Step one, step two, step three. You know exactly what to do Now. We talked a little bit about how amazing this community is and I want you to get a glimpse into the types of results that they're getting. Take Laura, for example. She just had her cranes reversed. She came in three months ago and said hey, do you guys think this could help my cranes, this autoimmune disease that I have in my digestive system? And we said actually the research supports that it would help you. Come on in, let's see what we can do. And she has been here for three months and she just wrote inside the community.

Speaker 1:

I joined Power and Plant Society community and three months later my blood work has cement improved that. My doctor said just keep doing what you're doing. I don't need to return to see her unless I don't feel well. And from the blood work she said that she can't even tell I have cranes. It is reversed, I haven't had a flare up and I feel. Amazing. Laura girl, we love you. We are so excited for you.

Speaker 1:

I cannot even tell you what a life-changing thing this is. I don't have to tell her, she already knows, but I mean you listening to the podcast, think about this. She's getting freed from how that was holding her back, how it was occupying her time and her emotions, and all these different areas that your health struggle is affecting in your own life. I mean I know how mine were affecting me. It was horrible. I couldn't do the things I wanted to do, and now the fact that she set free this is our heart. This is why Jere and I do what we do. I'm having to fight back tears right now. I mean seeing this happen for someone. There is nothing for us Like being able to see these transformations take place right before our eyes as the members come in that actually get involved.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to tell you this is key when you come in, you don't have to spend large amount of time, but please, please, come in regularly. Do this for yourself. Do this for yourself. Take that step. Where you come in, you post your picture, you tell a little bit about yourself and then you start sharing what you're trying, ask questions as you have them, interact in the community 100% of the time. I'm telling you to date, 100% of the time with the clients that we have had, 100% have gotten results and gotten much better in their health and have been able to maintain when they got in here and got active and stayed active, didn't drop off, didn't find some excuse, didn't get distracted. There's distraction, there's a lot of distraction in the world but they gave themselves the time because they knew in their heart of hearts that this was the answer they were after to help them to heal and to do it naturally, without having to take all the meds.

Speaker 1:

Listen, we have clients who have come off so many different meds. Now we're not telling you hey, come in and drop all your meds. You need to be monitored by a local physician when you're coming off your medication, but especially when you start eating whole plant, whole food. But especially when you start eating whole food, plant-based, because if your blood pressure starts going down and getting back to normal which we see happen time and again or your cholesterol, you need to be backed off your medications. That is what's gonna be safe for you and it needs to happen.

Speaker 1:

You don't need to stay on that same high dosage that you've been on. You need to have a doctor that's willing to work with you on that and we've done an episode here about that which you can listen to later, where we talk about finding a lifestyle med pro. If you wanna know more specifics about that, power on Plant Society is the place to ask us. We are here for you to answer those questions. We have the time to get those answers for you inside the society on a regular basis. I want you to think about where you are on your health journey, the things that you're struggling with now, that you think if I could wake up tomorrow and that was gone, what would that make possible for me? That's not possible now.

Speaker 2:

Right, because it's not just about how you feel, which is important. You wanna feel good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But what does that make possible? What could you do, if that happened?

Speaker 1:

That's the big thing, and that's what we see happening inside of Power on Plant Society. Day after a beautiful day, people getting freed from these health issues, and now it's like what am I gonna do? Now we start dreaming, now we start living, we start spending more time with those we love, we start creating the business that we've always wanted to create, but we just didn't have the energy we needed to do that or the mental clarity. And now, all of a sudden, they do. This is what happens all the time. Think about how it would change your life if you had pre-diabetes or type two diabetes, and it reversed naturally, just by what you chose to put on your fork, and not only that, the food you were actually putting on your fork. You loved it, you loved it.

Speaker 2:

There's a difference.

Speaker 1:

You loved it. Okay, listen to what Curtis said. My diabetes is gone. After I was diagnosed with type two diabetes, my doctor wanted to put me on medication to treat it, but I refused to be another statistic. I wanted a cure, not a pill to cover up a problem. I told myself it is time for me to seriously make my health my number one priority. In five months time, I have lost 40 pounds naturally and completely reversed my diabetes. I originally joined Power On Plants for recipes, which is what I thought I needed to stay on course, and that's what we all think. At first, you think it's just about the recipes. It is just so much more. But it's not difficult and that's the beauty of it.

Speaker 1:

So he says I thought it was about the recipes. That's what I thought I needed to stay on course with this lifestyle. However, I have found so much more than that since joining, including incredible tools for helping me stay on track, plus great members too. This way of eating has opened up a whole new world for me, and it's extremely exciting. And that's Curtis' story. Now, curtis brother, you know I never get tired of telling your story and you know, when we started Power On Plants, we focused on women and I guess I still, being a woman, talk a lot to women. But if you're a guy and you think you know, can I join? Would I be welcome? Absolutely, curtis is in there, jared's in there. They'd love to have you join us, and inside we've actually made spaces. This is how we solved this.

Speaker 1:

We made spaces for the women and the men separate as well. We all come together, we're all talking together on a regular basis, but let's say you have something more personal that you want to discuss, as a woman or as a man. We have created two awesome spaces inside Power On Plants Society where you can do that, where you can just guys hang out with the guys or the girls hang out with the girls.

Speaker 2:

We have the she shed and the gentleman's retreat.

Speaker 1:

She shed, and the gentleman's retreat Wonder, who named those I just wonder.

Speaker 2:

Actually, I think Curtis is the one that named the gentleman's retreat Curtis did come up with gentleman's retreat.

Speaker 1:

High five Curtis.

Speaker 2:

I thought the man cave, but that seemed to, I don't know, archaic, barbaric. I thought something a little more refined and Curtis came through the gentleman's retreat.

Speaker 1:

Love it. High five Curtis. That one was awesome. So listen, here we have. We're just sharing two testimonials with you right now.

Speaker 2:

So far, we've reversed Crohn's disease, which is chronic, and you're gonna have it for a lifetime according to the doctors, and that's significant too, because there are times when people have surgery for Crohn's disease or go on immune suppressing drugs for life, and now she doesn't have it anymore. I mean, I get goosebumps talking about that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's amazing because we're both healthcare professionals. Jared's a physician assistant and I'm a nurse with my bachelor's degree and I'm also a certified integrative nutrition health coach. You know, Jared went back and became a lifestyle medicine professional as well, so that's training that we've gotten further down the road after we started figuring these things out and going, hey, there's a body of research that supports what we've been looking at and figuring out from the research ourselves. You know, there's this other body of research we haven't even seen.

Speaker 1:

We've been implementing this stuff and it's growing and it's amazing that the proof has been here for years. But the big problem that we found is that people learn that they need whole plant foods. We kind of know that. I mean grandma taught us that right Like, eat your fruits and vegetables.

Speaker 1:

We know this. It's healing, it helps us. But the question is, how do you do that when you're so used to what you're used to eating now, what you love to eat now, how do you make it? Again, here we come, sustainable, and that's what makes Jared and me and what we teach inside power and plant society different. It's how do you make it sustainable, and we have learned how to do that over the past years of doing this ourselves, of losing over 70 pounds, getting rid of our pain, getting increased energy.

Speaker 1:

I lost my fibrosis, breast disease went away, I reversed a bladder disease All these amazing things, and I say I reversed it. It's the food. It's the food right, like God, put all these amazing things inside the food. That is naturally healing. But we've got to learn to get out the other stuff. You know you think about biblical principles. I have to share this because this is all throughout the Bible how God took us away from and gave us freedom from certain things. God takes us away from and gives us freedom from certain things, but it's never about what he gives us freedom from, as much as it is what he comes in to bring us to.

Speaker 1:

So, jared and I always teach. You don't take one thing out and leave a hole. You replace that thing with that new favorite. Or we talk about that in different areas as well, like when you're setting up your environment, things like that. So it's not just about recipes or finding your new favorites. There are other ways that we talk about that Inside power, on plant society but this is one of those principles that's so often missing.

Speaker 1:

People don't understand. You've got to fill the void, so you're dieting and trying to stop eating all these other things, or you're trying to not eat them so much, but you're still eating the same things that are causing the problems and it's keeping you stuck because there are addictive chemicals in them, there are things that are not good for you, and they're trying to follow man's rules on top of that. And so you've got all these dieting formulas you've got to follow and we wanted to figure out how do we make ourselves free from those things? How do we build a lifestyle that we love so much? We don't even think about a cheat day. It's not even a thing for us. If you want to see what we look like before and after and you're on our mailing list, open up your most recent email we just sent you. I seriously do not like sharing this picture.

Speaker 1:

Or don't or don't. This is how much we love you, though. I love you so much that I am not gonna keep things away from you that are gonna help you, and I know that when you see our before and after picture, you're gonna be saying, okay, now I totally understand. They've got to be feeling better, right, and it's not just about what you see on the outside. There are people walking around and maybe you're one of them that's thin.

Speaker 1:

We have a member who was not dealing with weight loss issues. Her issue, even though it was rare, most people are dealing with yeah, I need to lose weight. You know, it's causing a lot of these issues, or it is a comorbidity. It's something that I have, along with high blood pressure and diabetes and high cholesterol and all these other things that they're dealing with autoimmune diseases and things like that. She was dealing with nutritional deficits. She was eating enough, but her body was not getting what it needed from what she was eating and she just didn't know the way to do that. Where she could still get food she absolutely loved the taste of. That would bring her joy, and now she's sitting and having food she hadn't had in years, like pancakes and waffles, and learning how to do that and now her labs are back to normal. She has reverse rheumatoid.

Speaker 1:

Let me just read you her testimony. I mean this is just a portion of her testimony. I'll be honest with you. I probably got a page worth of testimony she's given us over the years that we've worked with her and she just loves the community and just keeps coming back and she is just a star. I mean you guys are gonna love her. You've got to get to know Robin when you get inside the community. She's just precious, as are all our members, but what she has gone through and what she has overcome is so amazing.

Speaker 1:

Again, this is just a portion of her testimony, but I want you to hear what she says. I know I've said this before, but, anita, you are a miracle worker. My life is forever changed because of your gift in the kitchen, creating new recipes that I can enjoy. For 14 years I had to take Nexium for reflex and I no longer need it. On top of that, my rheumatoid symptoms that's, an autoimmune disease my pre-diabetes and my headaches are gone.

Speaker 1:

Your coaching and this community have made all the difference. Honestly, I have nothing to add to that. I mean, I feel like we've got all these different things. We can show you all these different resources. We have coaching calls, coaching call replays that are searchable for you. Look, you think it's great we've made the free resources searchable. It is. It's mind-blowing Like there is so much information for you there.

Speaker 1:

But when you're ready for us to take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do step by step in the future, you're going to come to the course this time and it may be the last time we open up Power and Plain Society. Before you have to come through the course to get into this alumni membership. That's what it's going to become an alumni membership for the course. Get in right now. This is your chance. You do not want to miss the things that are coming. It is an amazing resource for you.

Speaker 1:

Where I get in the kitchen, you can search all of these cooking demos. You can search all our previous coaching call replays. Can I tell you what a pot of gold that is? This is one of the things we've been told time and again. That makes all the difference. We share so many strategies and things to make it simple for you, so it does become sustainable and you can do this for life without thinking twice. You're going to learn how to build that treasure chest of go-to favorites so that you're going to know what are these ingredients and how. Where do I buy them? Because sometimes when you start, you don't even know where to shop, like, where do I buy them? What is this thing? How do I prepare it? And people make things complicated. I'm just going to tell you like I'll get online and see things that people are doing in the plant-based space and I'm thinking I could have taken out four steps. They just did there, made it one step and that could have been done in five minutes versus 20, and I am not kidding you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was thinking four steps and 30 minutes. It could have cut out from the prep.

Speaker 1:

Why would you want to do that to yourself? You don't have to. That's the great news. You do not have to. Jared and I are thrilled about your future and if you are at the place where you say, this is a time I'm ready, I do not want to wait till the course comes out. I don't want to get further down this path. I'm on. I want to halt it right here and about face and get on the path that's going to lead me to feeling great, so I can finally do the things I want to do, so I can fully live and experience this amazing life I've been given. That's our hearts desire for you. That's what we see happen time and time again inside Power and Plant Society. So, while it is still available as a front end membership, get in. If you're listening to this, after the courses come out, you're still going to have the opportunity to join. I do not want you to worry. The course is going to be amazing. But right now, big secret if you come in and you're an active member when we start releasing this course, you are going to have the opportunity to be a beta tester for the course, which means you're going to have the opportunity to go through the course for free. Okay, that's all I'm going to say about that. No more there. Okay, so get inside Pi. If you're not inside Pi, that's our free group. That's step number one Right now. Go and do it for yourself right now and look for the video we're about to drop this afternoon or this evening Maybe this evening by the time we get it up and running, but it will be there for you.

Speaker 1:

The Doors to Power and Plant Society closed this Friday. If you want to see what's behind closed doors, if you want to see what's happening on the inside and all the spaces that are available for you, go right now and join Pi at powerandplantscom. That's powerandplantscom and you can see the video there. If you think you know what, anita, you've told me enough. I don't need to know anything else. I got to learn how to make this sustainable. I'm ready to get the results. I will see what's on the inside when I get on the inside. It's powerandplantscom. You'll have the option to join us month to month or you can choose to get a sizable discount and join us for the year. So again, that's powerandplantscom. Forward slash society. Join us. Doors closed this Friday at midnight, eastern Daylight Time. Do not miss out. If you're ready, let's do this. We will see you on the inside. We cannot wait to see what all your future holds. See you there.