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July 17, 2023

215: Debunking Protein Myths & Unleashing the Power of Plant Based Nutrition

215: Debunking Protein Myths & Unleashing the Power of Plant Based Nutrition

Where do you get your protein on a whole food plant based diet? How do you make sure that you are adequately protein combining to get the proper nutrients that your body requires?

Sister, do you worry that plant-based diets lack adequate protein?  Everywhere you look, you're surrounded by protein shakes, protein bars, and protein powder, so surely getting enough of this macronutrient is something that you should be concerned about, right?

Join us as we shatter the myths about protein that are holding you back from achieving the vibrant energized life you're after.  You'll be surprised to learn the truth about protein deficiency! Could it be that your attention has been highjacked and there's something else you should be focusing on instead... if living an active lifestyle is your goal? 🤔

In this episode, we'll walk you through the fascinating science of amino acids and proteins, and you'll discover the best, primary source of all protein bar none!

And if you value using your money wisely and living plant based on a budget, it could be time to say goodbye to costly protein products.

We're delving into the transformative power of plant-based nutrition. Imagine reversing chronic diseases, boosting your energy levels, and thinking more clearly - sounds like a dream, right? Sunshine, it doesn't have to be just a dream...

Jarrod and I share our personal journeys of embracing real clean living as medical professionals and busy parents of 4. This natural, enjoyable lifestyle has radically improved our health and the health of our clients as well. 

Are you ready to prevent and even reverse the most common "chronic" diseases of our time? This episode is packed with insights that will empower you to let go of the protein myths that have been holding you back and help you gain the vibrant health that comes with embracing simple, mouth-watering whole plant foods. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for an enlightening ride into the world of healthy vegan the enjoyable way.

🎁 Not yet a member of our FREE plant-based community for Christians? Once you're on the inside, every single podcast episode becomes searchable for you. 😲

Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and inspiration you've been hoping for! 💕


00:00 - Protein Myths and Importance of Fiber

02:46 - The Protein Myth That Just Will Not Die

03:16 - Why The Protein Myth Persists

05:11 - How to Get Enough Protein In Your Diet

06:22 - Protein Combining

07:18 - Building a Strong Body With Plant Protein

08:56 - Awakening To The Truth About Nutrition

11:03 - The Real Protein Concern

13:44 - The Original Source Of Protein

15:21 - Thriving With Whole Plant Foods

Speaker 1:

Hey there, sunshine, welcome to the Power On Plants podcast. We're your host, jared and Anita Roussell, and we're absolutely head over heels for whole plant foods and helping you navigate this incredible plant based journey. That's because our lives have been completely changed by plant based goodness. We used to struggle every day with excess pounds and low energy, vascular disease, joint pain and lack of sleep, just to name a few, and even though we're medical professionals, we still weren't getting practical answers that actually worked. So we dug into the research, we started living what we learned, and now we both have our lives back, and that's what we want for you, too. The truth is, you can do this, and it's not hard. You just need a way that will bring real and lasting change, and that path. It has to be simple and enjoyable, and it's got to be delicious too. So are you ready to live your life to the fullest? Then you're in the right place, because living without limits that's what Power On Plants is all about. So pull up your chair, grab a matcha latte and let's get started. Well, hello, sunshine, and welcome to the Power On Plants podcast, where we're all about helping you bust the myths that you believe so that you can move forward in true help. And I'll tell you, there's this one myth that just will not die. We hear it all the time. People keep asking us where do you get your protein? Patients come to Jared and ask him this on a regular basis.

Speaker 2:

This is probably the number one objection slash question that I hear all the time, especially whenever I introduce the idea of being plant based. When they get through that deer in the headlight, look then it's, but where do you get your protein?

Speaker 1:

And it really is so funny because it's such a big myth and it's been around so long. So many of us believed it because of the marketing that's been out there, because people want to sell you their protein products. So we are going to lay this myth to rest. Protein powders, protein shakes we're all about saving you money. We're all about saving you time and listen. You do not need to buy all these protein products. Why? Because when you go plant based and you eat plant foods, every plant food has protein in it. Understand, they all have protein to varying degrees, absolutely, but they all have plenty. So that no one today probably even knows of the name unless you're a medical professional of protein deficiency. I mean, when you think of it was a big problem, you might all know what a protein deficiency is called.

Speaker 2:

I would think it would be on billboards, it would be in magazines, radio, social media. It would be plastered everywhere.

Speaker 1:

So what is the name? The name is Quasior Core have you ever heard of Quasior Core sister? Probably not.

Speaker 2:

We've mentioned it once or twice, but if you're a new listener, you've probably never heard of this before.

Speaker 1:

No, and the reason is it's not common. It just does not happen in standardized westernized societies. It doesn't happen in the general public, unless you're in a place where you're not getting enough food to satisfy your daily food requirements, your daily calorie requirements. And for most of us, especially here in America, that's generally not a problem, especially if you're listening to this podcast.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and we're blessed.

Speaker 1:

We're absolutely blessed. And we need to thank the father for that, because we have food to eat enough that we usually get our requirements met every single day as far as calories go, and we know that with plant foods, when you get enough calories, you get plenty of protein. Actually, the problem is too much protein. Most people are getting way in excess of what they need and that's very hard on the body.

Speaker 2:

They get way more than what they need. But if it comes from an animal source, it can be very hard on the body, very hard on the kidneys, because they have to process this, because your body does not store protein, it does not store amino acids, so it has to go somewhere and what are amino acids?

Speaker 1:

What do they have to do with this?

Speaker 2:

The amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. Right? I remember using a great example a long time ago If you're a parent, pop blocks, amino acids are like the different shapes and colors of the pop blocks, where your body assembles those together and then, as they assemble, they'll tend to fold on each other and then create a three dimensional shape that then has functions. It could be something that's structural, it could be an enzyme I mean, it's a multiple of things that it could be and those are the proteins. Correct, correct, those are the proteins.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so you've got all these proteins. Your body can take these amino acids from the different feeds, break them down, put them back together and create the proteins that you need. So there's no need to worry about protein combining. It was back in the 70s. Back in the 70s, and the woman actually recanted it when she realized soon afterwards that she was wrong and saying oh well, if you plant food, you need to combine rice with beans or you need to combine this with that to get them out of protein that you need. And this myth is still persisting today. But it's just not true. So I want you to be freed from this idea of I need protein powders and I need protein shakes and I need protein bars and well, I mean plant based and I need to buy plant proteins instead of my regular proteins that I used to buy that were animal based. No, you don't Just eat plenty of plant foods, whole plant foods, to provide your daily calorie requirements. Most of us in this country, again, are not calorie deficient, and so we don't need to worry about getting enough protein. Now maybe you're worried about your strength. How could you possibly be strong enough just eating plants? Right, because we've been taught in order to be strong, we need meat, we need milk, we need dairy. We need all these animal products to be physically strong or buff like. If you're trying to work out, you know you think you need it to be buff. Well, let's just think what example do we know of something that just eats plants? That's strong.

Speaker 2:

Well, perfect example. What are they? We've got examples of elephants. They're big, they're strong. They don't seem to lack for any kind of muscle size energy. Giraffes they're herbivores. They eat nothing but plants. And then look at cows beef it's what's for dinner, but what's the beef eating? It's eating plants. That's where it's getting its protein source. It's amino acids.

Speaker 1:

So if you don't want to get second hand protein, just go to the source get the plant Cut out, the middle man cut out directly. Cut out the cholesterol, cut out all the other stuff that comes with it, right?

Speaker 2:

Another great example would be gorillas. I mean, they're 100% herbivores and I guarantee you I would not want to get into a cage fight with a gorilla because he would destroy me. But very strong lots of energy, no deficiencies there, it's all plants.

Speaker 1:

Right, all plants. So think about that for a minute. So what has happened is we've bought the lye hook line and sinker and many of the lies are told to keep you coming back to products again and again. Right, we understand that we have our eyes opening to so many things these days. We're becoming awakened to a lot of what's going on, okay, so I want you to be awakened to these truths about how to get healthy and the myths that are keeping you stuck and this is one of the myths that you need to worry about getting protein, especially if you're eating plants. You know the real question we need to be asking. Really, let's shift now if we're no longer going to be asking where do we get our protein? What's the real question? What's the thing that our attention is being diverted from? Because generally, when we're being told something that's not true, it's diverting our tension from something that is true, and what the truth is is that we need to be concerned about where do we get our fiber? Where do we get our fiber? Because that little side of canned green beans that you're getting while you eat your steak dinner is not enough fiber to meet your daily fiber requirements, and that is what your gut thrives on. Your good gut bacteria have to have fiber for their foods, so where are they getting the fiber that they need? Why do people end up with all these digestive disorders? Have clouded thinking. Okay, all these things go back to gut health, and gut health is directly tied to the amount of fiber that you get. You know where you get fiber. It's only found in plants Found in plants. Do you know where you don't get fiber? No, animal products have it. They completely have zero zilch, not a fiber.

Speaker 2:

And don't get confused with the term muscle fiber, because those are cells within muscles but they are not plant fiber. So not the same thing Eggs, meat, dairy no fiber whatsoever. And fiber's not just about feeding the gut bacteria. It's not just about having regular bowel movements. While those are very important, it also helps to eliminate waste from the body, because sometimes those waste are dumped into the gut and then the fiber helps to hold onto that and help eliminate it. So there's detoxing with that. There's excess estrogens that get dumped into the digestive tract get bound and removed, so you've got just tons of stuff going on that's completely being ignored because we're so infatuated with protein. Now I tell all my patients whenever that deer in the headlight, I tell them listen, you do not have a protein deficiency. And I'll mention about the protein deficiency name, quasiorkor. But then I tell them listen, if you eat enough plants to meet your daily energy requirements, you will get twice the amount of proteins which your body needs Also too, while your body does not store excess protein. So to try to just overdose on this is absolutely insane. It's a waste of money. Your body has to process this Now. If you're to do that with your plant, since eating enough for your calories gives you twice what your body needs, it doesn't have the same effect. You've done studies and animal proteins in excess will inflame the kidneys, whereas plant proteins in excess does not. It has zero inflammation on the kidneys.

Speaker 1:

So not only do you not need that much, it is harmful when you're getting that much protein, especially when it is animal based. With plant based, you add the extra protein. You're probably not going to harm yourself, but you're wasting your money, you're throwing your money down the drain, you're wasting your time and you're filling yourself up with extra products that instead you could be filling that space with more leafy greens more purples, more diverse plant feeds yes, Another thing to be aware of, too, is that there's a constant state of breakdown and rebuilding going on in your body.

Speaker 2:

As old cells die, they get broken down. Amino acids get recycled. Your body is beautifully and wonderfully made. Just like it likes to conserve water, it likes to conserve those amino acids. So two thirds of the products that are broken down get recycled. So you have within your body at any given moment all the amino acids that you need at that point in time. Now, of course, we've got to eat and replenish those, but you don't need to be worried that I don't have enough isoleucine, I don't have enough valine, I don't have enough cystine. You don't have to worry about those things, because they're always going to be available to you.

Speaker 1:

Those are great points, absolutely. So we're going to move on from this point forward. If you've heard this, you now know that there is no need to be worried about a protein deficiency, even if you're 100% whole food plant based. So you don't have to worry about eating a ton of tofu or a ton of beans or anything like that. Just get a good variety. Make sure you're getting your greens and those things that you think, oh, but those aren't high protein. But your body really, really needs those things. You're high in so many other incredible nutrients. We don't have time to go into all that today, but you need a good variety of those different things.

Speaker 2:

I would like to just interject one more thing. I just I wanna can I man, can I bust in here? Go for it All right, because I wanna blow your mind, because when I heard this it absolutely blew my mind All protein starts with plants. There's not a single animal on this planet, or human, that actually makes protein. Now here's the thing we can take those pop blocks, assemble them together to make protein. Yes, however, all amino acids start with plants. Now we have essential amino acids that we must get in our diet because we do not make them ourselves, animals included. Now there are certain amino acids that we can configure from those essential amino acids, but we're not really making them brand new. We're just adding little extra side arms to those pop blocks to make them something new.

Speaker 1:

So we're assembling what we've gotten from the foods.

Speaker 2:

We're assembling what we get from foods and we're kind of restructuring amino acids, but we do not take nitrogen, carbon oxygen, sulfur from the environment and make amino acids completely brand new. Right, when I learned that I just it's like that little mind blown emoji.

Speaker 1:

So all of them come from where?

Speaker 2:

Plants, plants. If you look at fish, if you look at chicken, cow, cows, any of those animal products, it all, at one point or another, originated from a plant.

Speaker 1:

Now, a lot of fish had to eat a plant.

Speaker 2:

It would have been algae and things like that, kelp and whatnot, but it all started from plants and photosynthesis.

Speaker 1:

So, sister, go to the direct source. Cut out the middleman. Get the nutrients the way they were originally intended for us to get them. Eat as many whole plant foods as you can. You will not believe how your life will turn around when you let go of these myths that have been holding you back and replace them with the truths that are going to help you thrive in life, so you can fully live your calling. We have loved having you join us again today. Before you go, be sure to leave a written review. It helps us so much to get to know you more and to get the word out to others, because there are many of us kingdom-minded women that are waiting to fulfill our calling, and you can be a part of spreading the message of truth with whole plant foods and how they can help us thrive so we can think clearly, so we can be energized and feel our best and reverse the most common diseases of our time not just prevent, but actually reverse them. We see it happen time and again with our clients. We've had it happen in our own lives and we cannot wait to hear from you and hear how you are getting these amazing changes too, and we look forward to seeing you again next time on Power On Plants. Please be abreast.